
  • Ruling on Fasting

    Ruling on Fasting

    Fasting is a means of expressing one’s gratitude for Allah’s blessings. It stops a person from eating, drinking and sex, which are some of Allah’s great blessings. To refrain from them for a considerable time is to show one’s appreciation of these blessings. An aspect of Allah’s grace may be taken for granted, or people may be oblivious to it, until it is denied, and people will then know its importance. They will then recognize Allah’s grace and feel grateful for it. To express gratitude for Allah’s blessings is a duty that is required logically and from the Islamic viewpoint.

  • Impurities and how to remove them

    Impurities and how to remove them

    Impurities refer to all foul materials. It should be removed by washing it off. In case of dogs impurities it should be washed 7 times one of them with dust. Other rules apply on different sources of impurities.

  • Dry ablution

    Dry ablution

    Dry ablution “Tayamum” is performing ablution using dust when water is not available. In this case, pure dust is passed lightly over one’s face and hands. It is a legitimate concession granted for Muslims. 

  • Wiping over the khuff

    Wiping over the khuff

    Kuff is what is worn over the feet. It includes socks and could be made of various materials. God has permitted his servants to wipe over it during ablution if they cover the feet up to the ankles as a form of easiness. 

  • Learn Rulings on  Ablution, i.e. Wudu’

    Learn Rulings on Ablution, i.e. Wudu’

    Linguistically speaking, wudu’ is derived from a root that connotes ‘good looking, cleanliness and brightness’, while in Islamic contexts it means ‘the use of water in respect of four organs, the face, arms, head and feet, in a particular way defined by Islam with the intention of worship.’[1] Performing ablution is obligatory when one wishes to pray or do a similar act of worship, such as tawaf around the Ka'bah.

  • The Islamic Faith

    The Islamic Faith

    This is a very interesting course on the fundamentals of belief. The Course designed in response to the question: "What will the servant be questioned on the day of judgment?.

  • Rulings of Islamic Law

    Rulings of Islamic Law

    This course seeks to present Islamic law in an easy and simple way, so as to make it accessible to everyone. It includes all the practical rules that every Muslim, man or woman, should know, citing their bases in the Qur’an and the Sunnah. In doing so, we refer to the views of the great scholars, such as Abu Hanifah, Malik, al-Shafi[i and Ahmad ibn Hanbal, as well as the eminent scholars in later generations. It has been our aim to give all this in simple language so that all Muslims may benefit by it. Therefore, although we do not go into the details of the views of different scholars, we exert our best efforts to include the weightier view in almost all questions where views differ.
